Frank's Clown

Frank\'s Clown

Product Description:
“Frank’s Clown” is a lithographic reproduction on paper of an original oil painting of the same name, bearing the name of the artist, Red Skelton. This work of art bears the number 25/50 on the bottom left side of the lithograph, followed by a signature. The lithograph measures approximately 13.5” x 17.60” and is beautifully framed to an approximate measurement of 14.6” x 18.25”. The painting from which this lithograph was derived was given to Frank Sinatra by Red Skelton as they lived across from each other at the Tamarisk Country Club Golf Course in Rancho Mirage, California. Red frequently would tease Mr. Sinatra about Frank’s habit of hitting golf balls into Red’s front yard which faced the golf course. Mr. Skelton and Mr. Sinatra were long-time friends and Mr. Skelton frequently gave Barbara Sinatra his own lithographs to be sold at one of Barbara’s many charitable auctions.


Drew Temel
Asking Price: please email with best offer
Condition: Excellent
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes

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