The Premier Collection

The Premier Collection

Fine Art Description:
This collection consists of 21 limited-edition lithographs, 2 porcelain plaques, and 4 porcelain plates.

The works of art included in this collection are:
Conducting Beethoven's Fifth
Crazy Quilt Clown
Freddie's Birthday
Freddie's Kitty Cat
I Love You
Love Thy Neighbor


My Thanks
No Place To Go
Old Glory
Stringing Along
Sunday Afternoon
The Banker
The Financier - 3 copies
The Philosopher
The Wood Carver
Up and Away

Winter Wonderland
Red and Freddie Both Turn 80 - porcelain plaque
The All American - porcelain plaque
Bronco Freddie - porcelain plate
Freddie on the Green - porcelain plate
Freddie the Torchbearer - porcelain plate
Sir Freddie - porcelain plate

Ms. Janet Porter and Ms. Sylvia McNeal
Certificates of Authenticity: Yes
Special Collection Pricing - Please email for the best possible collection pricing

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