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Looking in the Mirror

Looking in the Mirror

Product Description:

“Looking in the Mirror” is a unique, one-of-a-kind original pastel self-portrait drawing on linen measuring approximately 14 1/2” x 21”. The artwork has been beautifully framed using the highest quality of museum moldings and materials. Mr. Skelton hand signed the drawing. Mr. Skelton believed that self-portraits were the most difficult works of art to create as they forced the artist to come to grips with his age. “Looking in the Mirror” - according to the artist, is one of his most sensitive and descriptive drawings of himself as he passes through his forties into his fifties. Mrs. Skelton confirms that “Me” is a wonderful and very personal self-portrait of the artist, who devoted almost a year to create this very touching work of art. The portrait accurately reflects Red’s beautiful and kind personality which touched everyone whom he met. Red loved people, and this self-portrait shows his love for his fellow man.


Owner: Mr. Richard Hensel
Asking Price: $85,000
Condition: Excellent
Framed: Yes
Certificate of Authenticity: Yes
Phone: (505) 507-3176

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